🎙LEAD LIVE: Live conversations for ministry leaders, by ministry leaders!
As the Coronavirus spreads around the world so does the Gospel, the good news about Jesus. For over 2000 years disciples of Jesus have been trying to bring peace with God to bear in the world with the expectation that Jesus will return. But where are we in our efforts to give every man, woman, and child a repeated opportunity to hear and respond to the invitation of Jesus to be reunited in relationship with God. Dr. Dwight Smith brings his perspective from over 40 years of global ministry. He shares with us about gospel spread around the globe and ways that we can increase the curve through evangelization efforts.
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This episode first aired on Facebook LIVE, Periscope, and YouTube LIVE May 7, 2020.
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Mentioned in the Podcast:
Free Bible Study Resources: Contact Dwight
Books: Amazon