


Student Conduct

Students are held to a Biblical conduct standard as they relate to themselves and those around them. These are the same standards that LEAD staff are held to. Each student is given a conduct policy at their Launch Retreat Weekend for their review. Download the Conduct Policy.



By Attending a LEAD retreat of any kind, you are giving permission to The LEAD Program to use images, soundbites, quotes, videos of you and/or your likeness. By giving feedback, papers, projects, and forms, whether online or at an event, you are giving LEAD permission to use your written comments in marketing, promotions, and current or future training content.


Withdraw from The LEAD Program

In the event that a student must pause or withdraw from The LEAD Program, the student must complete the Student Pause Form or Student Drop Form. Either of these forms will trigger several items: 1. Notice will be sent to the Cohort Director and Staff, 2. Contact someone from the Student Relations Team for a quick student survey, and 3. Update to the Students’ payment portal by the Financial Department; any unpaid balance for the current semester will be collected, and stop payment for any future semester payment(s) will be processed. Students must drop/pause (complete the Student Pause Form or Student Drop Form) before the start of the following semester (either December 14 or June 14) in order to not be responsible for that semester’s tuition.


Re-entering the program

Students may re-enter at the next retreat weekend, provided room is available in the regional cohort. Students will begin with their new cohort at the retreat weekend. Re-entering students must have a zero balance and be highly recommended by their local church.


Tuition policy

Once enrolled for a LEAD semester, the entire semester must be paid. Any elected payment plans will not be stopped until semester tuition is paid in full.

If a student falls behind on tuition payments for any reason, their access to Canvas will be denied once their payment is 10 days past due. The student will be “locked out” of their Canvas Instance until their account balance (or payment plan) is returned to current. If the student has circumstances that are out of their control and are affecting their financial situation, they should reach out to studentrelations@leadcma.org to communicate and create a plan.

Students can see and even update payment details anytime by logging on to the Student Payment Portal  (portal.leadcma.org).

Once a student is “locked out” of Canvas because of late payments for whatever reason, the student will still be able to access the Student Payment Portal to bring their account back to current. The student’s Canvas account will be unlocked once the account balance is returned to the current.
(Canvas accounts are usually unlocked within 3 business days).


Donation refunds

There will be no refunds of donations (unless there is a miscommunication on a donation amount). All donations to The LEAD Program are tax-exempt, and a donation statement will be given for all donations of $200 or more. No goods or services will be given in exchange for a donation. Donations to LEAD Mission Trips will not be refunded unless there is some error or miscommunication on the donation amount. If a student decides to withdraw from a trip or not complete the LEAD Missions Trip requirement, funds will be gifted to the team the student would have gone with. Donors will not receive a refund if a student withdraws from a trip.


Plagiarism Policy

The goal of The LEAD Program is to spiritually develop the entire person. Curriculum has been designed for students to think critically about the content, and formulate personal thoughts and ideas. The “right answer” is less important than internalizing the content. Plagiarism of any kind inhibits your own learning and development.

To plagiarize is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source” (Merriam-Webster).

The LEAD Program expects students to honestly submit their own work and not copy the work of others without properly citing sources. Students are not allowed to use Generative AI tools on assignments in The LEAD Program. Students are expected to complete each assignment without substantial assistance from others, including automated tools.

Students found to be in violation of the Plagiarism Policy will at minimum fail all assignments with plagiarized content, but the consequences could include failure of the entire semester or removal from the current semester with no refund of tuition costs. Reentry into The LEAD Program will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

(Merriam-Webster. “Definition of PLAGIARIZE.” Merriam-Webster.com, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plagiarize)