Program Overview

The Heart & Soul of The LEAD Program

Is a unique blend of online learning, retreats, practicums, relationships, readings, coaching, Scripture, & practicality. Essentially, we are creating environments for the Holy Spirit to shape and equip you to be a ministry leader.

The entire journey is guided by a certified Cohort Director and processed in a cohort of peers. Your equipping will take your ministry leadership to the next level.


COHORTS: Journey Together

Students work through the LEAD Program in small groups called cohorts. Cohorts are made up of 5-8 people who meet once a month for Cohort Gatherings. Students may be able to meet locally, or join digitally because of distance. Every cohort is led by a Certified Cohort Director.

SEMESTERS: Paced Learning

The LEAD Program is 5 semesters broken down over two and a half years. A semester is made up of 6 months, with students having new assignments and meetings every month. Every semester ends with a one month break before the new semester begins.

RETREATS: Give Awareness

At the beginning of Semesters 1 and 3 students will retreat with their cohort. Launch weekend is how the lead journey begins. These are regionalized retreats. The beginning of Semester 3 students will attend the relational leadership weekend with their spouse if they are married.

COACHING: Individual Attention

During the semester, a student will meet for one hour monthly with their Cohort Director for individual, ongoing development and practical implementation.

TIME: Monthly Breakdown

It has been averaged out that with all the coursework, reading, paper writing, and your monthly cohort gathering, the LEAD Program requires around 24-28 hours a month. 5 hours a week is all you need to set aside to be on top of your work and ready to engage!