Grab a coffee on us and discuss!
We would like to treat you and your team to a Starbucks drink
and a conversation about leadership development in your church.
Our treat!
*For a limited time. While supplies last.
(Which simply means when the $$ runs out so does the coffee!)
Starbucks Gift Access
Whether you’re attending General Council 2021 in Nashville or from Your-ville, this gift is for you and your team.
- Complete the form
- Get a digital Starbucks gift code for you and your team and a PDF talk sheet IN YOUR EMAIL
- Have a team conversation about your leadership development process how LEAD connects to it
[hubspot_contact_form id=’3′]
Equipping leaders in your church, for your church.
God is raising up leaders in your church and He is asking you to provide them with the equipping they need. God is calling them to lead and together we can help them answer that call.
I'll take a coffee for this conversation!
The LEAD Program is…
Locations & Languages
In person and online
Regional Cohorts
Multiple Languages
No Debt
Partnership & Value
Alliance Approved
District Approved
College Approved
The LEAD Process

Everything flows out of intimacy with God.
When my heart beats like Jesus’ heart I move into mission.
When I hang with lost people I fall in love with them and I want them to know Jesus, too.
When I am faithful to disciple generations of disciples I become a Kingdom leader.
The key to leadership is intentionality.